Privacy Policy


The Scope of Application

The content of the Privacy Policy, including how we handle personally identifiable information collected when you use the Site Services, does not apply to linked sites outside of the Site or to persons who are not authorized to participate or participate in the administration of the Site.

Use of Cookie

To provide you with the best service, we use cookies to improve the services of the Site. The cookie is a small piece of information sent by a web server to a web browser. It collects specific standard information that your browser sends to our website, including browsing behavior and how you arrive at our site, but does not contain identification of your personal data, records. We use only the necessary cookies to understand and provide you with better service. If you do not want to accept the cookie, you can set the privacy level to High in the browser to reject cookies, but some features of our website may not be available once the cookie is disabled.

We may collect information from your Products, mobile apps and web browser. The information we collect includes your device data, device type, regions, web request, browser type, browser language, platform type, the date and time of your requests, and one or more cookies that may uniquely identify your devices or browser.

Personal Information Collection, Processing, and Use

When you visit the Site and use the certain services provided on the Site, we will ask necessary personal information and use it within specific purpose according to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation); without your agreement, the Site will not use your personal data for any other purpose. Moreover, the Site only collects or use personal information from who is 16 years old and above. If we learn that we have collected the personal information of the Site visitor under 16 years old, we will delete the information as soon as possible.

The collected personal information allows us to provide technical assistance and customer service. The collected personal information also helps us to understand what products user needs and gives us the direction to improve and customize our products and services.

By using our websites or providing personal information to us, you agree that we may communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues relating to your use. For example, if we learn of a security system's breach, we may notify you electronically by posting a notice on our websites, by sending an email or otherwise contacting you.

Access to and Integrity of Personal Data

You certainly have the right to keep your personal information accurate and up to date. For the personal information we hold, we will provide you with options for any purpose to access, correct, reject, or delete your personal information. In addition to this, we will retain and use your personal information to fulfill our business requirements, legal obligations, resolve disputes, protect our assets, and enforce our agreements.

If you found that your personal data is misused or it violates your right, you have the right to take legal action under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) to seek for help.

The Protection of Personal Information

The Site equipped with the firewall, anti-virus system, and other information security equipment to protect the site and your personal information with strict protection measures. DrayTek online services, such as MyVigor, protect your personal information using encryption measures such as Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol. We use computer systems with limited access in controlled facilities, and only authorized personnel can access your personal data.

In the event that we need to entrust our global partners or other units to provide services for business purposes, the Site will strictly require compliance with the confidentiality obligations and take the necessary inspection procedures to ensure the security of personal information.

Sharing Personal Information with the Third Party

We may share your personal information with third parties for the purposes of operating our business, delivering, and customizing our Solutions, sending marketing and customer’s usage information to our partners, and for other legitimate purposes permitted by applicable law or otherwise with your consent. Except for the event mentioned above, the Site will not provide, exchange, rent or sell any of your personal information to other individuals, groups, private enterprises or public agencies. However, the legal basis or contractual obligations are excluded.

The foregoing proviso includes, but not limited to: (1) Your consent. (2) The law states. (3) To save your life, body, liberty or property from danger. (4) In cooperation with an official or academic institution, the public interest is necessary for statistical or scholarly research, and the information is processed by the provider or collected in such a way that it does not identify a particular party. (5) Disclosure of your personal data by the Site management unit for the purpose of identifying, contacting or taking legal action as a result of your site's conduct, breach of the Terms of Service or any damage or disruption to the Site or other user interests or injury to any person. (6) When commissioned by the company to assist in the collection, processing or use of your personal data, we will do its best to supervise the management of the subcontractor or individual, and have a legal contract with all of them to constraint the usage, and protect the personal information.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us. Email us via for questions or comments about the policy, or to reach Data Protection Officer in DrayTek.

Amendment to the Privacy Policy

If necessary, we may amend the privacy policy of this site at any time following the needs. The revised version will be published on the website.